Oh no! Sorry to leave you all with no warning and such a weak beginning-of-hiatus post!
I could give you a torrent of excuses- classes from 8 AM-10 PM plus homework, a summer course that was 14 hours a day of math, and now work every day, even on the week days. For reference, I worked 10 hours today before writing this post. It has been a very long and stressful day.
So, I was working on renal cell carcinoma when I get this nice, yet impersonal e-mail from a person named Matty. And it's about my blog. This blog. The one that hasn't updated in seven months. Having never received e-mail from a fan or anyone before about my blog, I was incredibly excited. I sent an e-mail back and vowed to post again. Then, since he provided a link to his own blog, I checked back.
It was a blog that was ENTIRELY ABOUT TIES. His website was ENTIRELY ABOUT TIES. Now, at this point, I'm not sure what it is about my dusty 7-month-old blog that attracts tie aficionados, but it was exciting knowing that at least my target demographic was composed of some very interesting people.
Then I notice.
First off, the subject of the e-mail was "Hey, I really like your bog." The body said nothing about my blog, or even my name, just links to his blog and requests for me to link to him. The post that he linked to was full of other bloggers thanking you for the e-mail. I send up to 60 form e-mails a day at my non-cancer job, but this neckwear psycho fooled me simply because I really thought someone would actually care about my blog. Ha!
Since I'm practically a college student by day and telemarketer by night (and homeworking college student during the rest of the night,) does this mean I should call people at random and ask them to read my blog? Heck, I don't even have to stay with alumni. I could just go to the yellow pages. Are you getting this, Matt?
Or I could go to a craft store, go over to the fancy paper section, and on the back of every paper, write "Hey! Visit my blog at blog.blogblog.com!" You might have to pay or be arrested for physically assaulting the paper, but that just means it would get on the news! And then more people will read your blog!
Or you could take one of those roller dealies that leaves chalk on the ground and use it to write the name of your blog on public streets! Heck, skip that, just throw the chalk in people's eyes and yell VISIT MY BLOG. IT IS BLOG DOT BLOG BLOG DOT COM. Why not have custom made tiny bits of glitter that are shaped like the URL to your blog and dump them off of the Empire State Building every day? Why not go to the grocery store and write a different character on each individual case of soymilk? What's there to stop you from writing a cookbook where every page has a link to a different blog post, printing it out, and putting them on the shelves of a local Barnes and Noble? You like ties! Can't you make a printout of your blog name on tie-shaped paper and leave it in the tie rack at the local mall?
Watch out for those exposed-neck freaks, Matty. Idealightful is back for a while.