Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How to Speak in Iambic Pentameter

I figured I would write a post because
This topic has been brought up quite a lot.
Pentameter I speak, iambic too,
Quite easily, and close to normal speech.
A couple friends have asked me for some tips
So here it is, I'll tell you one more time.

In terms of basic tips, there's only one:
Internalize the rhythm. That is all.
da DUM da DUM da DUM da DUM da DUM
When THINking, HOLD on EV'ry SEcond BEAT
We PROcess RHYthms DIFF'rentLY than WORDS
And RHYthm IS imPORtant IN this CASE.
So try it 'til you feel the rhythm here.
Without this, speech can get quite difficult.
But once you have the rhythm in your mind
And think it naturally, it's not so hard.
It's easier to pick words on their sound
Than counting all your fingers before speech.
It's fun to practice, do at parties too
Or not tell anybody, then just wait
Until someone does realize what you did.
It takes a little effort more to rhyme
Or even to reach Shakespeare's eloquence.
Be patient with yourself, it's fun to try.

So- Comments? Notes? Reactions? Tales? Ideas?

1 comment:

  1. That's brilliant. I'm sure you've already seen xkcd doing this? [http://www.xkcd.com/79/]
